HOME WORKS! was recently featured in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, highlighting how family engagement is driving real change in schools at a time when leaders are searching for answers. With…
Family Engagement: The Missing Piece in Closing Learning Gaps
With uncertainty surrounding how the new administration will approach education funding and policy, one thing is certain: we can’t afford to overlook what works. We’re investing millions in conventional education…
A Year of Growth and Action: How HOME WORKS! Is Expanding Impact in 2025
Across the country, schools are still struggling to regain lost ground in student achievement. Many interventions are falling short, leaving districts searching for strategies that truly move the needle. But…
It Takes a Village: Gratitude in Action with HOME WORKS!
At HOME WORKS!, we know that it takes a village to raise a child. Our village is build upon the unwavering support of families, teachers, school leaders, students, and amazing…
HOME WORKS! Spark & Share Tuesday: Teachers’ Perspectives on Family Engagement Impact
We’re thrilled to share the next installment in our Spark & Share series: Teachers’ Perspective on Family Engagement Impact. In this session, Katrina Brown, Director of Program Operations at HOME…
The Power of Family Engagement in Rural School Communities by Program Leader Leslie Reardon
What does HOME WORKS! offer a town of 8,000 and a school district with 1,500 students in rural mid-Missouri? HOME WORKS! offers an opportunity for educators, parents, and students to…
Reflections on My Journey as CEO of HOME WORKS!
By Colleen Polak, Former HOME WORKS! CEO As I reflect on my time as CEO of HOME WORKS!, I am filled with immense gratitude for the transformative work we…
Navigating Change and Driving Our Mission Forward
As you’ve all heard by now from Colleen, after several years of dedicated service, she has decided to step down as HOME WORKS! CEO. I am grateful to Colleen and…
New School Year and New Leadership coming to HOME WORKS!
Welcome to the new school year! Here at HOME WORKS!, we are excited for the new school year and all the possibilities that come with partnering families and teachers for…
HOME WORKS! Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Clemons
Here at HOME WORKS!, volunteers are vital to helping our school-based family events run smoothly so teachers can focus on building trusting relationships with students’ families. In recognition of the…