We are excited to announce that HOME WORKS! has been chosen as the KMOX “Voice of Caring” partner for February 2021! As a “Voice of Caring” partner, HOME WORKS! is…
The St. Louis American: HOME WORKS! Connecting teachers, parents and students in a virtual world
On February 6th, The St. Louis American published an article covering the vital work HOME WORKS! is doing to support schools and families including the “Getting Patrick Henry Connected” initiative!…
Impacting Attendance with the Help of Community Partners
The pandemic has disrupted routines and challenged each of us to figure out new ways to move forward. At Patrick Henry this is especially true. Economic, housing, and medical challenges…
Getting Patrick Henry Ready for Virtual Learning
On Friday, October 9th, St. Louis Public Schools and Patrick Henry announced that in the Second Quarter pre-K through 6th grade would transition to blended learning; meaning families now had…
Getting Patrick Henry Connected to SLMPD
The Getting Patrick Henry Connected Initiative has taught us that being “connected” means so much more than internet access. Closing the digital divide requires us to closely examine the inequities…
The Pulse of St. Louis: HOME WORKS! Building Relationships Between Parents and Teachers
On January 4th, HOME WORKS! Founder Karen Kalish and Hazelwood East High School Principal Dr. Chauncy Granger spoke with Fox2Now reporter Shirley Washington about how the program is helping Missouri…
Summer 2019 newsletter
Take a peek at our latest newsletter, the summer 2019 issue. Hear from teachers. Learn about how we measure results. Read about recent grants and news coverage. Thank you to…
St. Louis on the Air – Karen and Two Participants Discuss How HOME WORKS! Program Is Helping Students and Teachers Succeed
On the April 15 St. Louis on the Air, St. Louis Public Radio reporter Jeremy D. Goodwin led a discussion about a local program that pays teachers in low-performing schools…
On FOX2now – ‘HOME WORKS!’ program aims to improve student-parent engagement in education
ST. LOUIS – Dozens of teachers, parents, and students met at STIX Early Childhood Center Monday night for a dinner and to learn about the “HOME WORKS! Teacher Home Visit…
Y98 Interviews Karen Kalish
HOME WORKS! founder Karen Kalish was interviewed on Y98 regarding the HOME WORKS! program. Listen here.