
Our families and teachers say it best.

“At the English Language Arts Parent-Teacher Workshop, I sent home reading journal prompts to a family who attended. The father texted me the next day about how the focused questions are helping him talk about reading more with his kids. With continued resources being sent home and the family's consistent attendance at HW! events, this student's end of year data demonstrated astronomical growth in reading and in math. During the 2022-23 school year, the student's reading grade level equivalency grew by 15 months! In math, her grade level equivalency grew by an astonishing 20 months, putting her math abilities above the average third grade level.”

teacher, nance elementary, SLPS

“Principals have expressed enthusiasm about the increased support for children at home after teachers visited families. The improved communication between family and teacher has fostered strong support networks for many children, which has resulted in noticeable improvements in some children’s academic performance and attendance.”

Dr. Kelvin Adams, former Superintendent SLPS

“I can’t believe the difference a home visit made for my son. His comfort level at school is way up, and his reading level is mind blowing. I am a big supporter. My son is excited, too.”

HOME WORKS! Parent, Beasley Elementary, Mehlville

I like that the teachers actually come to my home to work with me and my kids. They get to know us on a personal level and my kids get to know their teacher better. Through this program, HOME WORKS! has taught me as a parent how to help my kids learn in a more fun environment.


Home visits have opened up a dialogue between the parents and myself. The number of students regularly turning in homework has doubled and I really think this is due to the partnership that the parents and I have forged through the interactions we have had in their homes.


We met at the park for the Home Visit and my son thoroughly enjoyed the experience. He liked the idea of seeing his teacher outside of the classroom. His relationship with the teacher became more real. He's a different boy now, going from not wanting to go to school to being excited about it. It was a 100% change, he loves to go to school. It strengthened his relationship with his teacher. The teacher gave us ideas to make learning fun. As a parent, I asked myself why didn't I think of that , the teacher gave us very good tools to help my child.

HOME WORKS! PARent, hannah cole primary

“One aspect of being an effective teacher is knowing your students. Home visits give us the opportunity to really know our students by seeing the environment they are a part of at home. If it weren’t for home visits, I might assume that all students live the way I did as a child – and that’s not the case at all! I wish all schools did home visits.”
“We had one home visit. We were able to find out what kinds of books he was interested in (mysteries). His reading was improved. He likes to read and reads more at home. Communication is good between the teachers and us. I think it is good for the teachers to see the environment of their students.”

We love the HW! program.It's so good to see the teachers outside of the school environment. They involve the student in the visit and ask their opinion on how they're feeling and how school Is working for them. It's not just about how the student can set academic goals, they also work on life skills. The highlight was when the student opened the "goodie bag" and received fun games to help with math and reading.

guardian of a HOMe works! student

“He went from hood up, head down, no eye contact, and a very reluctant reader to setting goals, asking about his goals, and achieving his goals. He is a completely different person. He read 32 words per minute to start the year and is currently reading 108 words per minute. His reading level has gone from 3rd grade to 5th grade, and he is not so defiant. HOME WORKS! has had a huge impact on this child’s life.”
“Home visits have provided a sense of comfort and better communication. We read more with our students and their reading levels have improved.”

“I received a new student in my classroom in the middle of the school year who was unfamiliar with home visits. It was clear that he was trying to adjust to our school environment, make friends, and be a successful learner. After our home visit, he has come into school every day with a huge smile on his face ready to learn. It was clear that he felt more comfortable, connected, and at ease after I had met with his family and saw what his life was about outside of school.”

“One of my students had an ongoing streak of absences. When I went on the home visit and talked with the student’s mother about it, she realized that the child’s stepmother had been keeping the student home from school to babysit. After the home visit, we were able to resolve the problem, and the student hardly missed any more days.”
“After going on a home visit for one of my kids who hardly ever turned in their homework, I realized that the student was responsible for caring for their two younger siblings after school (one was a toddler). The family and I worked together to find a time for the student to dedicate to their homework and discussed why homework was important and how it was affecting their academic performance. Homework is now being turned in on time.”